Jeremias is a native Guinean. He works as a missionary within his own country. He has been married to Domingas for 8 years now and thanks to this union God has given them two children – Elienai and Jehozadak. In addition to their biological children they have a 14-year-old girl living with them named Santa that they took in from a very needy family and are raising today as our own daughter.
In 2007, before he finished his missionary training course, God appeared to him in a vision and told him that He wanted him to work specifically with children in the most deprived communities within Guinea-Bissau. From that day on he decided to surrender completely to the service of the kingdom and as a result in 2011 by the grace of God he managed to found the ministry “Christian Center Embassy of Christ”, through which he wants to work to fulfill the call of God on his life.
Currently, his ministry, Centro Cristão Embaixada de Cristo, has a church of approximately 40 people, that is: 30 children, 4 adults, and 6 teenagers. They also have a Christian school which opened in September 2015 that now goes to 6th grade with a new grade level added each year so that the students can continue their studies. He also has a sponsorship project entitled “Bolsa do Samaritano de Bom Coração”, (Good Samaritan’s Sponsorship) that so far has supported the studies of 17 children, including 11 orphans and 6 children belonging to very needy families.
The CCEC aims to contribute to improving the living conditions of the poorest population in Guinea-Bissau by providing support for their initiatives and developing small projects within each community, fighting with the vision of combatting illiteracy and all kinds of evils that exist within the people and that have always been trying to destroy their society. To make this a reality he plans on planting more churches in communities where there are no evangelical churches. He also desires to develop training programs in agriculture, animal raising, and tailoring to help the people meet their own needs.
At the moment he is raising money to purchase a bigger piece of land in the capitol city of Bissau with plans to expand the school and develop other projects.